Commissioning for Outcomes and Social Value

One-day workshop for those working to deliver better outcomes for people and communities

This workshop presents an approach that involves working collaboratively with local people and providers to maximise the value created by public spending across social, environmental and economic outcomes.

Achieving community benefits has been identified as a key priority for local government and being able to demonstrate social value and use its themes in procurement is crucial to improving local economic growth. At a time when local authorities face an overall future funding gap of £8 billion, it is more important than ever that procurement practices continue to be effective.

For more than ten years, the New Economics Foundations has helped local government towards innovation and supported them to find, and use, new ways to deliver better outcomes for local people and communities.

We have condensed much of this knowledge, expertise and practical guidance into a one-day workshop.

Those in local authorities responsible for commissioning and procurement will learn how to develop new ways of delivering services that:

  • Use the themes of social value in procurement processes.
  • Deliver improved outcomes.
  • Make better use of scarce resources.
  • Promote community wellbeing.

Charities, community organisations and others will learn how to work with public sector commissioners to deliver better outcomes for people and communities.

“Excellent, inspiring and well researched’’

Participants will be in a better position to maximise the value from public money across the social, environmental and economic bottom-line. They will be able to co-produce support to meet people’s needs, helping them to achieve their aspirations and promoting high wellbeing.

The content was originally developed in partnership with Lambeth, Cornwall and Islington councils.  Each workshop includes sections on the theory, practice and methods used by NEF and its partner councils, as well as bespoke learning opportunities directed by the participants.

We now offer this only as group training so please contact us to discuss.

Topics covered include:

    • The concepts of outcomes.
    • Collaborative commissioning and co-production.
    • Methods for developing co-production and gathering insight; for example: appreciative inquiry, peer research, co-design, asset mapping.
    • Tendering for outcomes including examples of procurement documentation, using the outcomes framework, and co-producing the tender process.
    • Monitoring and evaluating outcomes.

What you will learn

The key objective is that participants will go away feeling confident that they can implement the approach themselves, with the support and guidance from the facilitators and their group peers. For this reason, the programme will have a particular focus on practical elements providing real life examples, resources and materials.

Who is it for?

Assistant directors, commissioners, policy officers and anyone else with, or working with those who have, responsibility for commissioning and purchasing services.

Also…strategic briefing for leaders and senior decision makers on outcomes based commissioning and social value

Who will be running the workshop?

Previously Strategic Commissioning Manager at Lambeth Council, Helen Sharp works with NEF Consulting on delivery of our training for local authorities .

Helen was a consultant and trainer for five years before moving into commissioning. She was responsible for the commissioning of play and targeted services for children and young people in Lambeth.

Helen has worked in partnership with the New Economics Foundation and other local authorities to develop and implement outcomes-based commissioning, co-production, asset based interventions and other new approaches as a part of her role. For more information click here.

Please contact us for information on group or in-house training.

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“One of the best training sessions I’ve attended in recent years, really interesting content and I liked the mix between didactic and interactive sessions.”- Dr Tom Porter, Consultant in Public Health Medicine, Public Health Wales

“Excellent, inspiring and well researched’’

“Good mix of content sessions and practical exercises’’

“I have a far better understanding of the practicalities of applying outcomes within commissioning’’

“The course answered some fundamental and technical questions about implementing co-production’’

“Lots of food for thought…Change the world!”

“The implementation aspects  and  examples of social and community frameworks were really helpful”

“Extremely helpful. I will be applying it to a large scale commissioning project which I believe will make a huge difference going forward to people’s lives!”

NEF has published a practical guide, Commissioning for Outcomes and Co-production aimed at local authorities. NEF’s approach to commissioning provides a framework, a set of principles and practical guidance to re-assess how services are currently provided. It can help to re-focus services on the outcomes that really matter to those who are intended to benefit from them.  The practical guide sets out the core ideas and how to put them  into practice. For more information click here.

New Economics Foundation

NEF aims to create a new economy that works for people and within environmental limits. We are guided by three missions:

A new social settlement
To ensure people are paid well, have more time off to spend with their families, and have access to the things we all need for a decent life.

A Green New Deal
A plan for government-led investment to reduce the carbon we emit and boost nature, while creating a new generation of jobs.

The democratic economy
To devolve state power and transform ownership of the economy to give everyone an equal stake in the places where we live and work.

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